December 25th, 1996


Dear Mr. Greg type MAD freak,

You sir are a GENIOUS! You are great, did you know that oh, I forgot! are you an expert on MAD? do you know MAD TV? If so, then name some of the usual gang of idiots and the cast of MAD TV! Did I mention how smart you are? You are great!


-Keith Williams

Am I an expert on MAD? Well, I don't know if I consider my self an expert, but I do know a heckuvalot about it. Honestly, I don't watch much MAD TV (I haveta get up early Sunday morns), but I do know the cast: it would be (last time I checked) Bryan Callen, Phil LaMarr, Orlando Jones, Mary Scheer, David Herman, Artie Lange, Debra Wilson, and Nicole Sullivan! Heh-ho!
Hi Greg-
I was at Spencer gifts recently, I found something new! Keep your eyes peeled for MAD Toilet Paper! This is truly disgusting! Remember to get the 12" statue of Alfred, The Alfie ornament, and several MAD Ties! How very exiting it is, keep me posted if you find something new!


-Chris Harne

I didn't know about the toilet paper, until my mother gave it to me this morning for Christmas! Now I'm only debating whether to use it or not! Life can be so frustrating some times! Fa fa!
Mad is one of the coolest magazines I've ever read and I got onto it by accident when my mum brought one but now I get it regually cause I can't live without it. And the web site is cool and anyone who wants to disagree then there is something wrong with you.

-Damon Hawker

Hmmm... I got onto MAD because one day I was in a book store (that sells magazines) and I was bored, so I bought a Super Special, and I've been loving it ever since! Long live MAD!