December 6th, 1996
Hail Keeper of the Mad Web page. I remember the original
""It's a Gas" record and still have it. I also remember
the stickers and I built the Mad Mobile back in the
sixties. What's the point? Well, I've been wasting time
and money on Mad from when they were our price 25 cents
CHEAP! Have you seen the Russ Cockran reprints of the MAD
comic books? Pretty nice.
-bryan griffin
Wow, you've been around a long time! :)
I LOVE ALFRED E.!!!!! Thats all I have to say. Bye!!!
-John Dyal
In much the same way, I'm in love with Iggy, the ill-fated mascot of the 1996 Olympics. He could have been so much more!
Any help on the following would be appreciated:
I have been looking for the copy of an early (like late 50's - early 60's)
Mad Mag that featured a TV Satire entitled "The Rifle...Man!" It was a
takeoff on the tv show starring Chuck Conners - "The Rifleman".
I would love to buy a copy of this issue if possible.... Thanks for any help
-Dick Koepp
Well, my MAD sources tell me it's in issue... 53! (That would be the March, 1960 issue, of course.) However, I really don't know where you can obtain this, but at least now you know what to ask for!
Hey greg dis is pretty cool. I'm talking to a celbrity. Tell al he's
cool and keep writing cool stuff at MAD and don't forget to wash your
hands at least 3 times a day.
-Blue Crusader
Wow, someone considers me a celebrity! You like me, you really really like me! :)