January 21st, 1997
Hey! Wuz Up?
Just wanted to say I like your site and everything! I wish there was more
people who visited and put up their names and all! Anyway, Stay cool and
have fun on "da net"
Hey, I've had a letter from you for each of the last three days! Keep it coming, faithful Mad fan! :)
This is cool!!!!!!
Heh, tell me something I don't know!
I think your web page is pretty cool but you need a full size pitchure of
Alfred E Newman so I could print it out and hang it on my wall and you
need to get some other cool pitchures to.
-Cecelia Arnold
Sure, that'd be cool, but how many people do you know that would want to wait that long to download a picture? (other than you, of course!)
TO Usual Gang Of Idiots,
HI, My names SEAN HENRY. I'm 9 years old and I've
been collecting MAD for 1 1/2 years and I,m MAD! any way, please E-mail me
back! Your BIGGEST FAN! FA! FA!
-Sean Henry
You forgot the third "Fa!". Some Mad fan you are! :)