January 22nd, 1997
please send me a list of front cover art work of all issues up until issue
-Gary Henry
A list? OK! This is just going by the description in the MAD Article Index, so don't ask me what they actually mean... Issue 1: "Melvin" Cover. Issue 2: "Evil Eye" Cover. Issue 3: Vampire cover. Issue 4: 12 Ways to kill your lover cover (hey, that rhymes!). Issue 5: Kane Keen cover. Issue 6: King Kong cover. Issue 7: Sherlock Holmes cover. Issue 8: Frankenstine cover. Issue 9: Gunfight cover. Issue 10 (finally!): Face upon the floor cover.
The Mad magazines that I have recieved are the funniest reading material
that I have ever recieved.
Thanks for the fun.
Have you ever tried reading computer programming manuals? Now there's a laugh-fest!
dear MAD,
your mag rules!!!!!!! It's probly the only one I read because it is so
stupid.my fav part is spy vs. spy,but the rest is terrible!!So don't ask me
why I like it O.K..As a matter a fact I don't know why I like it so back off.
President: "What do you want from us?"
Alien: "Die..."
(It doesn't have anything to do with this letter, but wasn't that just the coolest scene from Independence Day?)
ha ha ha ha
-wouldn't u like 2 know
That's the stupidist (is that a word?) letter I've ever recieved. Yet at the same time, it's strangely humorous...