March 2nd, 1997
- Updated the MKT moves guide, finally!
- Hey, everyone! I'm looking for some reviews of MK games! So, write a review, and send it to me (be sure to include your name, and the platform the game was for)!
January 27th, 1997
- Yes, I am still alive! Sorry about not updating it lately, I kinda wondered into some other web projects... but this site is my "baby"... still my most accessed site! So expect more regular updates from now on, this site deserves it!
- Added "systems" to the MK1, MKII, MK3, UMK3, and MKT pages.
November 30th, 1996
October 27th, 1996
- Sorry there haven't any updates lately. I've been kinda busy :(
- Added the Saturn secret menu code to the UMK3 Secrets page.
- Added an MK Duo article.
- Added an MKT secrets and moves page.
September 25th, 1996
September 17th, 1996
September 13th, 1996
September 4th, 1996
September 2nd, 1996
September 1st, 1996
August 30th, 1996
August 18th, 1996
- Added lightning.jpg and pit.jpg to the MK Trilogy Vault.
August 17th, 1996
- Added courtyard.gif and ermac_lift.gif to the MK Trilogy Vault.
- Restyled/updated the Kredits page... again.
August 16th, 1996
- Added umk3theme.ram (a RealAudio file) to the UMK3 Vault.
- Added csubfat.jpg to the MK Trilogy Vault.
August 15th, 1996
- Added kickjade.jpg, wasteland.jpg, bladespin.jpg, and baraka_vs_sheeva.jpg to the MK Trilogy Vault.
- Updated the MK4 article.
- Updated/rewrote the MK Trilogy article.
- Added rayden_ermac.gif to the MK Trilogy Vault.
- Added the logs of Ed Boon's appearances on IRC on the 12th and 14th.
August 14th, 1996
August 13th, 1996
August 12th, 1996
August 9th, 1996
August 8th, 1996
- Added the WWW MK Information Center to the sites page.
- Added mkt_select2.jpg to the MK Trilogy Vault.
August 7th, 1996
- Added "Files" links to the MK1, MKII, MK3, and UMK3 game pages.
- Made some other small changes to the game pages.
August 5th, 1996
August 3rd, 1996
- Added BlueStar's Mortal Links to the sites page.
- Since Rat's site is gone, I removed him from the links page, and I copied his links page here so that you can still access the longest MK links list.
August 1st, 1996
July 31st, 1996
- Added mktpsx.zip (a .mov video) to the MK Trilogy Vault.
- The Vault is now split into 5 sections -- one for each MK game I have files for.
July 28th, 1996
- The imagemap toolbar is back online!
July 25th, 1996
July 22nd, 1996
- Added umk3.mov to The Vault.
- I'm now hosting u3prev1.zip (the UMK3 preview AVI) on this server.
- Added a video section to The Vault.
July 21st, 1996
- Restyled some of the top page.
- Added animality.wav, mercy.wav, and umk3fat.wav to The Vault.
July 20th, 1996
- Added mkt_select.jpg, kanoknife.jpg, barakanoob.jpg, and harpoon.jpg to The Vault.
July 19th, 1996
- Started moving from AOL to here.
- Added freeze.gif and scorp_fat2.jpg to The Vault.
July 17th, 1996
July 16th, 1996
- Added MindRipper's Mortal Kombat Page to sites page.
- Updated MK Trilogy article.
- Updated UMK3 home versions article.
- Added paragraphs to the MK4 article.
July 15th, 1996
- Added "Your Source For MK Information" sublogo.
- Updated the survey results.
July 10th, 1996
- Added an MK Trilogy Promo (this is only accessible from "What's Cool" in the framed version of this site).
- This What's New page has been getting a little big, so I archived March and April.
July 9th, 1996
- Updated UMK3 Home Version news article.
July 8th, 1996
- Added Noob Saibot's Outworld to sites page.
- Added buttons to the survey page and the results page so that you can switch between them.
July 7th, 1996
July 6th, 1996
- Updated the survey results.
- Framed page is now the default page for Netscape 2.0 users. Non-Netscape 2.0 users have a new "main" page.
July 5th, 1996
- "Retired" the Knowledge banner from the top page. It's served long enough. :)
July 3rd, 1996
July 1st, 1996
- Added the Saturn UMK3 New Message code to the UMK3 secrets page (credit goes to me for finding this!)
- Redid the UMK3 moves guide. Now it's easier to read!
- Added Reptile's Acid Bath fatality to the UMK3 moves guide. Sorry it took so long!
June, 1996
May, 1996
April, 1996
March, 1996
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