Ultimate Kombat Kodes
Mileena 700 723 (from MOTARO)
Ermac 964 240 (from MOTARO)
Classic Sub Zero 760 520 (from MOTARO)

VS Screen Kombat Kodes
Winner fights Shao Kahn 033 564 (from MOTARO)
Winner fights Noob Saibot 769 342(from MOTARO)
Winner fights Human Smoke 205 205(from MOTARO)
Winner fights Motaro 969 141(from MOTARO)
"Watcha gun do?" 004 400(from MOTARO)
"Don't jump at me" 448 844(from MOTARO)
"There is no knowledge that is not power" 123 926(from MOTARO)
"Hold Flippers during casino run" 987 666(from MOTARO)
"Skunky!" 122 221(from MOTARO)
"No fear" 282 282(from MOTARO)
"Go see Mortal Kombat the live tour!" 550 550(from MOTARO)
Fight on Bridge 077 022(from MOTARO)
Fight at Desert 330 033(from MOTARO)
Fight at Subway 880 088(from MOTARO)
Fight on Rooftop 343 343(from MOTARO)
Fight at Pit 3 820 028(from MOTARO)
Fight on Street 079 035(from MOTARO)
Fight at Ermac's Portal 933 933(from MOTARO)
Fight in Graveyard 666 333(from MOTARO)
Fight in Kombat Temple 600 040(from MOTARO)
Fight in Kahn's Kave 004 700(from MOTARO)
Fight at Scorpion's Lair 666 444(from MOTARO)
Fight in Bell Tower 091 190(from MOTARO)
Fight at the River 002 003(from MOTARO)
Fight in Noob's Dorfen 050 050(from MOTARO)
Fight in Kahn's Tower 880 220(from MOTARO)
Fight in the Sould Chamber 123 901(from MOTARO)
Version 999 999(from MOTARO)
Unlimited run 466 466(from MOTARO)
Dark fighting 688 422(from MOTARO)
Player 1 has 1/2 life 033 000(from MOTARO)
Player 2 has 1/2 life 000 033(from MOTARO)
Player 1 has 1/4 life 707 000(from MOTARO)
Player 2 has 1/4 life 000 707(from MOTARO)
Throwing encouraged 010 010(from MOTARO)
No throws 100 100(from MOTARO)
Randper kombat 444 444(from MOTARO)
No blocking 020 020(from MOTARO)
Quick uppercut recovery 788 322(from MOTARO)
Sans power 044 044(from MOTARO)
No meters 897 123(from MOTARO)
Galaga 642 468(from MOTARO)
Psycho kombat 985 125(from MOTARO)
Silent kombat 300 300(from MOTARO)

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