Ultimate Kombat Kodes
Mileena | 700 723 | (from MOTARO) | ![]() |
Ermac | 964 240 | (from MOTARO) | ![]() |
Classic Sub Zero | 760 520 | (from MOTARO) | ![]() |
VS Screen Kombat Kodes
Winner fights Shao Kahn | 033 564 | (from MOTARO) | |
Winner fights Noob Saibot | 769 342 | (from MOTARO) | |
Winner fights Human Smoke | 205 205 | (from MOTARO) | |
Winner fights Motaro | 969 141 | (from MOTARO) | |
"Watcha gun do?" | 004 400 | (from MOTARO) | |
"Don't jump at me" | 448 844 | (from MOTARO) | |
"There is no knowledge that is not power" | 123 926 | (from MOTARO) | |
"Hold Flippers during casino run" | 987 666 | (from MOTARO) | |
"Skunky!" | 122 221 | (from MOTARO) | |
"No fear" | 282 282 | (from MOTARO) | |
"Go see Mortal Kombat the live tour!" | 550 550 | (from MOTARO) | |
Fight on Bridge | 077 022 | (from MOTARO) | |
Fight at Desert | 330 033 | (from MOTARO) | |
Fight at Subway | 880 088 | (from MOTARO) | |
Fight on Rooftop | 343 343 | (from MOTARO) | |
Fight at Pit 3 | 820 028 | (from MOTARO) | |
Fight on Street | 079 035 | (from MOTARO) | |
Fight at Ermac's Portal | 933 933 | (from MOTARO) | |
Fight in Graveyard | 666 333 | (from MOTARO) | |
Fight in Kombat Temple | 600 040 | (from MOTARO) | |
Fight in Kahn's Kave | 004 700 | (from MOTARO) | |
Fight at Scorpion's Lair | 666 444 | (from MOTARO) | |
Fight in Bell Tower | 091 190 | (from MOTARO) | |
Fight at the River | 002 003 | (from MOTARO) | |
Fight in Noob's Dorfen | 050 050 | (from MOTARO) | |
Fight in Kahn's Tower | 880 220 | (from MOTARO) | |
Fight in the Sould Chamber | 123 901 | (from MOTARO) | |
Version | 999 999 | (from MOTARO) | |
Unlimited run | 466 466 | (from MOTARO) | |
Dark fighting | 688 422 | (from MOTARO) | |
Player 1 has 1/2 life | 033 000 | (from MOTARO) | |
Player 2 has 1/2 life | 000 033 | (from MOTARO) | |
Player 1 has 1/4 life | 707 000 | (from MOTARO) | |
Player 2 has 1/4 life | 000 707 | (from MOTARO) | |
Throwing encouraged | 010 010 | (from MOTARO) | |
No throws | 100 100 | (from MOTARO) | |
Randper kombat | 444 444 | (from MOTARO) | |
No blocking | 020 020 | (from MOTARO) | |
Quick uppercut recovery | 788 322 | (from MOTARO) | |
Sans power | 044 044 | (from MOTARO) | |
No meters | 897 123 | (from MOTARO) | |
Galaga | 642 468 | (from MOTARO) | |
Psycho kombat | 985 125 | (from MOTARO) | |
Silent kombat | 300 300 | (from MOTARO) | |
Genesis | Super NES |
PlayStation | Saturn |
Arcade MK3 | Arcade UMK3 |
New Kodes! |