
Finally – a new file server!

Posted by on January 25, 2017 at 12:39 am

Back in 2015, when I transitioned to using a laptop as a primary computer, I also transitioned my previous desktop computer, Clementine to the role of being a file server. I felt it was a better approach to have a computer that was dedicated to being powered on all the time, with software oriented around […]

Introducing Venus

Posted by on April 13, 2015 at 5:40 pm

I recently was able to enact a long-planned and far-reaching change to my technology environment at home. The main change to talk about is that I bought Venus — a late 2013, 13-inch MacBook Pro. Prior to Venus, I had always had a desktop as a primary computer, with a low-powered laptop to use if […]

Holiday Updates!

Posted by on January 31, 2015 at 12:16 am

As is the case every year, the holidays brought several computer updates. The most important one is that, after having been extremely happy with my Apple TV, Beauregard, I got a second one, Aloysius, for my basement TV.  I really, really like the Apple TV.  It makes it so easy to watch streaming video from […]

New monitor

Posted by on March 20, 2014 at 6:46 pm

Clementine, my primary desktop, has had dual monitors for the past few years.  One of them (a Samsung SyncMaster 940BX) dates back to my old desktop, Fozzie, and was the oldest computer component currently in use.  The other was identical to that one, purchased a couple years later just for Clementine.  When my wife and […]

Networking upgrades

Posted by on September 30, 2013 at 11:54 am

I recently completed the final steps of my multi-step plan to transition to 802.11n for my home network.  I previously had upgraded Clementine to have a 802.11n adapter.  The next step was to upgrade my router.  Previously I had a standard Actiontec 802.11g router that was issued with my Verizon FiOS service.  Since Verizon now […]

Minor changes

Posted by on May 12, 2013 at 5:59 pm

Just had a few minor changes for Clementine recently.  For one, her keyboard (a Logitech L710 wireless model) started having issues where some keys didn’t work reliably.  So, I swapped that out and replaced it with a spare I had lying around — a generic Dell keyboard that came with Scooter, my HTPC, but that […]

WiFi adapter & Hard Drive

Posted by on March 8, 2013 at 7:09 pm

Two recent upgrades to mention: First, back in December, I replaced Clementine’s 802.11g WiFi adapter with a new TP-LINK 802.11n adapter.  This is the first step in a multi-step plan I have to upgrade my home network to all-802.11n.  Since Clementine’s adapter has been upgraded prior to the router, she doesn’t yet see the full […]

New case fan

Posted by on December 27, 2012 at 3:21 pm

This is a delay (and minor) update, but back in October, Clementine’s case fan started making noise.  It was over five years old, so I got my money’s worth out of it, with no hard feelings.  I did my research to find a replacement fan, and came to the conclusion that the same fan, an […]

Minor hardware swap

Posted by on July 31, 2012 at 12:34 am

I love the keyboard and mouse combo that I have for Clementine — a Logitech LX710 wireless keyboard and matching LX7 wireless mouse.  I love that combo so much, in fact, that the set I have for Clementine is actually the second I’ve owned — the first was for my old (retired) desktop, Fozzie.  However, […]

A Big Upgrade for Clementine

Posted by on February 7, 2012 at 1:22 pm

Clementine, the primary desktop for me and my wife, recently underwent a major upgrade.  The idea was to upgrade just the CPU, and anything necessitate by upgrading the CPU.  Which ended up meaning the CPU, CPU cooler, motherboard, and memory.  And since I was doing all this anyway, I decided to upgrade to Windows 7 […]